Reflections on the first two weeks of blogging

As usual, to become familiar with a new way of communication requires some efforts. I usually use Internet but I have never been interested in blogosphere...and so, for me, this course offers the opportunity to approach to something that otherwise I would have never exploited.
I found useful, as first step, to surf some websites about blog etiquette (e.g. the rules regarding how to behave properly in such a context) thanks to which I acquired a basic specific vocabulary as well (e.g. "blogroll", "post", "comment", "authority"…)
Through e-tivity 2, I could realise how much wide and various is the blogosphere and how I can find whatever I want, simply using an amazing tool like Tecnorati or connections like links.
For a "neophyte" like me, it has been rather strange to take part to a world in which people seems to interact more actively and honestly than in a face-to-face situation. One becomes known or express his/her personality only through what he/she writes or puts on the page… without any other clues (e.g. physical characteristics, cloths, gesture, tone..).
As a student, I think that this method can be an effective way to understand that English, as any other language, is not a "monolith" but varies according to the subject-matter and the audience to which a person writes, in other words, that there are different registers and styles depending on the context. Thanks to text analysis of blogs, I can catch that English is not only what I study in a grammar book!
2 commenti:
Hi Roby!
Where did you find that wonderful picture? I think it’s amazing!
I agree with you when you say that familiarizing with a new way of communication requires some efforts, but I’m sure they will be rewarded week by week by our personal blog’s development.
It’s a new experience and a new world to discover for me too, and I have to admit I’m beginning to love it!
Listen to what came to my mind: I know that we don’t love pets so much, but I think that updating a blog is more or less like growing one, obviously without all the responsibilities having a pet involves! Probably it’s better saying that a blog works like a Tamagotchi!:) Its growth depends on you! You will be happier day by day, searching for what will embellish it more and seeing how it is improving thanks to your efforts!
Don’t take me for a fool!
See you tomorrow!
Hi Roberta!
How are you? You are right when you said that surfing on sites regarding blog etiquette was useful. I learn something more too... as you probably know it is difficult for me to write something about me and I have fear that if I write about other objects I could be boring… and the language is a problem: nobody teach us informal English language!
Have a nice Halloween!
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