Reflections on the first two weeks of blogging

As usual, to become familiar with a new way of communication requires some efforts. I usually use Internet but I have never been interested in blogosphere...and so, for me, this course offers the opportunity to approach to something that otherwise I would have never exploited.
I found useful, as first step, to surf some websites about blog etiquette (e.g. the rules regarding how to behave properly in such a context) thanks to which I acquired a basic specific vocabulary as well (e.g. "blogroll", "post", "comment", "authority"…)
Through e-tivity 2, I could realise how much wide and various is the blogosphere and how I can find whatever I want, simply using an amazing tool like Tecnorati or connections like links.
For a "neophyte" like me, it has been rather strange to take part to a world in which people seems to interact more actively and honestly than in a face-to-face situation. One becomes known or express his/her personality only through what he/she writes or puts on the page… without any other clues (e.g. physical characteristics, cloths, gesture, tone..).
As a student, I think that this method can be an effective way to understand that English, as any other language, is not a "monolith" but varies according to the subject-matter and the audience to which a person writes, in other words, that there are different registers and styles depending on the context. Thanks to text analysis of blogs, I can catch that English is not only what I study in a grammar book!